Welcome to the Superior Officers Council website for the City of New York Police Department. Our website is exclusively for the members of the NYPD Captains Endowment Association and the NYPD Lieutenants Benevolent Association. Over the last decade, substantial changes have taken place to our Health and Welfare Fund. The Trustees of the Superior Officers Council Health and Welfare Fund hope this website will assist you and your family in navigating the benefits available to you. We urge you to review the website's content carefully so you will become familiar with your benefits, rights, and obligations related to the Fund.
The Superior Officers Council Health & Welfare Funds are maintained through a collective bargaining agreement between the City of New York, the Captains Endowment Association and the Lieutenants Benevolent Association. This agreement provides for the City to contribute to the Fund on the basis of a fixed annual rate per employee and retiree.
The benefits distributed by the SOC are financed from Fund Assets that are accumulated under the provisions of both the City’s Collective Bargaining Agreement and the Trust Agreement, which are held in a Trust Fund for the purpose of providing benefits to eligible participants and for defraying reasonable administrative expenses.
The SOC currently manages and distributes benefits to over 2500 active members and their dependents and over 4600 retired members and their dependents.